If the installation gives you this error:

  • Error! Could not find an XML setup file in the package.
  • Path does not have a valid package.

Please check the upload_max_filesize directive in your php.ini. This can be checked in the Joomla Backend -> Help -> Systeminfo -> PHP Informations. It may be the case that the filesize is limited to 2MB there. Since the newest versions of SermonSpeaker are over 2MB this causes an issue.

If you're not allowed to edit your php.ini yourself, you'll have to ask your hoster for a raise.

Workarounds would be to extract the install file to a new subfolder in the joomla/tmp directory and then specify this directory as the install source in the "Install from Directory" section of the Joomla installer.

Please note that this is not a bug neither in Joomla nor in SermonSpeaker. It's a limitation set by the server administrator.